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Re: APT typo

On Mon, 6 Apr 1998, Lindsay Allen wrote:

> While running apt-get via dselect I found a typo in
> /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/setup on line 118.  "components" was mis-spelt.

Manoj tells me this should be fixed in .4.
> After fixing this I used apt-get to do the main install on a new
> installation from the Mar 29 boot disks.  The only little problem was that
> it would not proceed at first because one of the packages was missing from
> my mirror.  I had to go in with dselect and mark it "purge" before apt
> would stop insisting on having it. 

Ah, yes, it locates and checks all the archives before even thinking about
continuing. What you could do is run dpkg-scanpackages on your mirror to
generate a Packages.gz that is valid for your mirror and then put at the
end of sources.list a http site - it would then download only the things
that it couldn't fetch locally from the mirror.

> It was a pleasure to use.



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