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Re: simple smail questions

Otavio Exel <oexel@economatica.com.br> writes:

> hi all,
> I'm using Debian 1.3 bo with a 2.0.29 kernel; my smail installation is
> preety standard; I have a permanent connection to the internet; smail is
> working fine for most everything here;
> ..but I still have some questions.. see if you can help me, please:
> - I saw a message here stating (not in these words) that "smail is dead;
>   use exim instead"; is it true? I can see that smail is still
>   (according to Debian) the "reccomended MTA for Debian"! note that I'm
>   not spam-asking which one you use! :-)

Well I just switched over to my own hacked version of exim, and I have 
to say that it (now) has almost everything I could want in a mailer.
If my adjustments were cleaner, I'd send them upstream.

> - on the subject of moving files from /var/spool/smail/error to
>   /var/spoll/smail: I did just that yesterday and the files are still
>   there..  I'm afraid my crond is *not* calling runq. how do I make sure
>   runq is beeing called? there is a /etc/smail/crontab but I don't see
>   how crond would find it there..

You shouldn't be moving them to /var/spool/smail/ - you should be
moving them to /var/spool/smail/input/ - and I believe that
/etc/smail/crontab is installed as the crontab for the user mail
during the package install.

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