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Re: portslave and cistron radiusd packaged for debian

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.95.980317134757.28281B-100000@laranjada.that.com.br>,
Nelson Posse Lago <listas2@that.com.br> wrote:
>I've found out that neither portslave nor cistron radiusd are packaged in
>debian format; they are not in debian's ftp and are not packaged on the
>original site. Since the author is a debian developer and the changelog
>file is in debian's format, this surprises me. Am I missing something or
>should I start packing them myself ;-) ?

Well, I've givien away portslave as we don't use it anymore. Not much sense
in developing an application if you don't use it and can't test it

As for radiusd-cistron, I have not much time to do development on it nowadays
(something I regret) and also maintaining the Debian package would take
too much time. It's not complete, docs are missing and I feel that a robust
debian package would need more manpages and docs, something I cannot
cater for at the moment.

But if anyone would like to package those up as .debs and maintain them-
fine with me.

 Miquel van Smoorenburg |  
    miquels@cistron.nl  |  Luck is when preparation meets opportunity

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