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smail - Is smarthost behavior correct?

     This seems to be open season for smail questions, so I'll ask one
that has been puzzling me for a long time.

     I have always understood that when I deliver mail to a smarthost,
the smarthost is supposed to handle everything transparently to my
machine.  I have smail configured with my ISP, metrolink.net, as a
smarthost for all mail.  However, smail seems to wait for the
smarthost to resolve the address before handing over the mail.  Is
this the proper behavior for an MTA handing over to a smarthost?  I
don't think my machine should wait to see if the smarthost can route

     When I use runq -v, I get the following:

   bob:vc-2:bob>runq -v
   rhilliar@mc.seflin.org: mc.seflin.org matched by smart_host router:
   hilliard@metrolink.net: metrolink.net matched by smart_host router:
       routed hilliard@metrolink.net --> hilliard@metrolink.net at
       routed rhilliar@mc.seflin.org --> rhilliar@mc.seflin.org at
   transport smtp uses driver tcpsmtp
   lock retry/smtp/post.metrolink.net
   lock succeeded (will defer failure) retry/smtp/post.metrolink.net
   transport smtp: connect to host post.metrolink.net
   unlock (success) retry/smtp/post.metrolink.net
   write_log:Delivered VIA:post.metrolink.net TO:hilliard@metrolink.net
   ORIG-TO:hilliard@metrolink.net ROUTER:smart_host TRANSPORT:smtp
   write_log:Delivered VIA:post.metrolink.net TO:rhilliar@mc.seflin.org
   ORIG-TO:rhilliar@mc.seflin.org ROUTER:smart_host TRANSPORT:smtp

  |_)  _  |_       Robert D. Hilliard    <hilliard@metrolink.net>
  |_) (_) |_)      Palm City, FL  USA    PGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

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