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AW: Help with ftp

> Erik Rodríguez asked:
> There's an anonymous ftp at my University.
> there's a directory /pub/Linux/debian/Debian-1.3.1.r6
> How can i download the entire tree structure to my PC so i could copy
> it 
> to CD (i have a cd writer)? i mean, a single instruction that makes it
> recursively.
You didn't specify what you're running on your PC. Windows? If yes,
beware! You can't copy the links via FTP, and a CD with long file names
is not going to do you any good since it will be in Joliet format - i.e.
Linux will only see 8.3 file names and not the long names it expects.

Could you ask a sysadmin to prepare a disk image with mkisofs
on a Unix system for you? You could ftp that image and burn
your CD from that.

If you have a Debian Linux system, install the mirror package and
make the image yourself. 


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