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Support for Debian GNU/Linux

This is the last time I'll ask this question, I promise.

A while ago, Bruse Perens stated that there would be an effort to
provide some sort of centralized support for Debian.  I'm interested in
this since the company I work for likes to have a signed support
contract with our vendors.  Anyone know if there have been any
developments along these lines?

In the 1998 Linux Journal Buyer's guide, there is a matrix comparing the
various distributions.  Under Debian, it says that optional paid
commercial support is available, but gives no details.


Nathan Norman
MidcoNet - 410 South Phillips Avenue - Sioux Falls, SD  57104
phone: (605) 334-4454 fax: (605) 335-1173
mailto://finn@midco.net   http://www.midco.net
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