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Re: dpkg thinks my pentium is an i486 ?

In an attempt to save the world from disaster, Joost Kooij wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been playing with some package's source and now I have a question:
> When I run ./debian/rules it prints lines containing:
> -DHOSTTYPE='"i486"' -DOSTYPE='"linux-gnu"' -DMACHTYPE='"i486-debian-linux-gnu"'
> I think that the it is the line
>   ARCH = $(shell dpkg --print-gnu-build-architecture)
> that causes this, because it outputs "i486"
> Why does dpkg think that I have a 486 (it is a pentium)?

Isn't this because we want packages built on Intel systems to be the
same? If dpgk were to report "Pentium", and some compiler is going
to create real Pentium code (that doesn't run on i386), then you
wouldn't be able to build Intel packages on your pentium any more.

Yes, I know gcc currently doesn't do much Pentium optimisations, so
at the moment the question between wheter dpkg should say "i586"
or "i486" is rather pointless anyway. But when there will be a difference,
it's best to make sure that dpkg returns the same on all computers of
the same "architecture". (architecture being one of {spark,i386,m86k,...})

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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