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Re: X install/config query

On Fri, 27 Feb 1998 09:12:35 MST, wrote:
> Hello:


> I recently installed Debian 1.3 on a '386, but apparently did not complete
> the process correctly.  X was not configured (although everything else
> that I have tried seems to be).

If dselect or dpkg says your xserver isn't configured, you might try 
running through "[C]onfigure" once or twice in dselect.

> I cannot find 'xf86config' or 'XF86Setup' on the system.

Because configuration is incomplete, this could mean either it's not 
there, or you're not seeing it.  You can always run the xserver post 
install script in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ and confirm that the files in the 
xserver list file, also in /var/run/dpkg/info/ exist.  (There's no 
sense running configure if the files aren't there, and I don't know 
what kind of problem you encountered.)

> Should I remove X and re-install, or is there another way?

Sometimes dselect is quirky and it takes a couple tries, I've found.  If that doesn't work, I'd remove my X-server, then confirm that no outstanding conflicts or dependencies exist in dselect by running though installation in dselect, and then run through installation again in dselect, choosing your xserver.

I think that XF86Setup (nicer than xf86config), is only in the VGA xserver, reason being that this is supposed to be a good default.

David Stern                          

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