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AW: AW: r* commands don't work

Hello Richard,

you wrote:
> > - enable .rhosts for the superuser by adding -h to the
> > in.rlogind optionlist in /etc/inetd.conf (man 8 rlogind)?
> on my system:
[no -h in man 8 rlogind. Hmmm...]
> I have netstd 2.05-1 and netbase 2.04-1 with libc5 5.4.20-1.
This might be part of the problem. I have netbase and netstd
2.16-1 and libc5 5.4.33-6. bo R6 means that I'm talking about
Debian 1.3.1 R6, i.e. the stuff that's the current stable release
that's out on the FTP servers.

> What's the TLUG list?  I'm on the ptk list but that's got
> nothing to do with this, nor is it even linux specific.
It's the Tokyo Linux User's Group's Mailing List. Seeing
that you're from *.jp I was wondering wether you knew
about it. While it's not particularly Debian-centric, it's a
great place to get general and JP-related Linux info.

Thomas Baetzler   

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