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Re: keeping cvs servers synchronized

On 26-Feb-1998, Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Feb 1998, Tyson Dowd wrote:
> > A CVS server is a single entity.  If you're looking for ways to reduce
> > load on a CVS server, I have some ideas for that, but I believe multiple
> Please share, CVS serving on va is not exactly as lightweight as I would
> hope.


1. I'm pretty sure the load of an ftp is a lot lower than a "cvs checkout".
   So include CVS directories in distributed source tarballs.  This way,
   developers can just download the source tarball (or unpack it in a
   new directory) rather than doing a "cvs checkout".  This is much
   faster for developers, and will no doubt reduce the load on the
   server.  It might be good to build daily tarballs if there is a
   lot of activity.

   Even relatively "out-of-date" tarballs can just be "cvs updated",
   which should be a little less strain on the server.

2. Make sure all developers use -z9 to compress all files.  Putting
   	cvs -z9 
   in your .cvsrc should do this trick ok. (Unless network traffic is
   ok, but CPU load is too high, in which case perhaps this does more
   harm than good!).

3. Keep modules from growing too large.  Developers have a tendency to
   check out entire systems to fix a small bug in just the documentation
   or other modules.

4. Reduce commit log mail traffic - either batch the mail (one per
   day?), or reduce number of mails sent. 

There might be other things that can be done - I'm not sure what's
causing load problems with the server on va, but these are some of
the things I'd try.  I've never seen remote CVS used on a very large scale
(e.g. hundreds of modules) so I'm not sure how well it scales yet.

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