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Anon FTP and other conflicts

> And when did Debian stop doing this for you? All my systems
> were upgraded buzz to rex to bo to hamm, and they all had the anonymous
> FTP stuff set up originally automatically.

Obviously Debian didn't do it; otherwise this wouldn't be an issue on this
mailing list.  I don't recall the base ftpd setup ever prompting me about
setting up anonymous ftp.  I believe the users that were having
problems with setting up anonymous ftp were not using wu-ftpd.  They
were using the base ftpd daemon.  As such, they probably had to set it up 

However, in agreement with what you said, installing the wu-ftpd package
did set up the appropriate ~ftp subdirectories.

I did notice one thing about the libs.  Why is the hamm wu-ftpd package
installing libc5 instead of libc6?  All of the binaries (ls, tar, gzip and
in.ftpd) are linked against libc6 so why are the libc5 and ld-linux-1
libraries installed in ~ftp/lib by the package?

Also, there were conflicts with the netstd ftpd man page that didn't allow
me to install the package.  To make it work I had to force the install
with dpkg.  I had similar problems when installing glibc-dev-2.0.7pre1-2.
There was a conflict with ndbm.h from the libgdbm1-dev package (which is
obsolete).  I had to uninstall libgdbm1-dev before it worked.  This is no
problem but it is an inconvenience.  Does anyone know if this issue is
being addressed?  Bo was the first Debian distribution that I used, and I
never experienced this problem with bo.  Of course, I do understand that
hamm is still considered unstable.


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