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Re: glibc? [quick question]

On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, Bruce Locke wrote:

: Quick Question:
: Is glibc just another name for libc6?  If not, why isn't debian using it
: instead when RedHat and some other distributions claim to be converting to
: it?
: Sorry... just a little confused...

Yes, glibc is libc6.

Debian _is_ using libc6 ... that's what the current unstable version 
(hamm) is all about (and it's the big reason the current unstable is
taking time to become stable)

Debian's trying to do it right the first time.  I haven't used RH 5, but
I hear it's a bit dodgy due to libc5 <=> libc6 interactions.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet - 410 South Phillips Avenue - Sioux Falls, SD  57104
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