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Re: Using Debian Linux for Dumb Terminals


First day on the list, first posting :)

>Are there any information resources I can look at which will show
>instructions on setting up a multiport serial card with dumb terminals

We have a 16-port BocaBoard, and there is a very handly little HOWTO for
setting up this little bit of hardware. Needs the Kernel to be recompiled,
but it's pretty easy, and I got it up and working in no time.

It's called the boca-Mini-HOWTO from memory


Damon Muller (damon@lenore.empire.net.au)
Web Page:   www.sub.net.au/~tr      It's not a sense of humor. It's
ICQ UIN:    2920281                 a sense of irony disguised as one.
PGP Key ID: 0x232C09E1                   - Bruce Sterling

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