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Re: Using Debian Linux for Dumb Terminals

On Tue, Feb 24, 1998 at 06:17:28PM -0800, Jeff Alami wrote:
> Are there any information resources I can look at which will show
> instructions on setting up a multiport serial card with dumb terminals
> for Linux?

All you really need to know is the name of the device.  On the Cyclades
card, it's /dev/ttyC0..ttyC7 in the case of my 8-port card.  A standard
serial port would be /dev/ttyS0 (equivalent to COM1: in DOS).  Add an
entry to /etc/inittab for each terminal device, run "init q", and you're
basically done.

Depending on what card you have and how the terminals are wired up,
you may have to deal with issues like hardware flow control.  The getty
man page can help with that.  In general it shouldn't be a problem to
run terminals without hardware flow control.

What kind of terminals are you using, by the way?  I assume you have
something standard like a VT100 clone.


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