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Re: Jetdirect

On Sun, 22 Feb 1998, Asher Haig wrote:

> How do I go about setting up linux to print to a Jetdirect printer? The 

I'd recommend the lprng package.

1) Install lprng
2) assign an ip-address/name to the jet-direct device
   (e.g. netprint.my.domain/ and add it to /etc/hosts or
    your nameservice database (remember to restart named ;)
3) Configure your jetdirect printserver according to its docs, or:
    Look up its MAC-Address in the documentation,
    do an "arp -s netprint <MAC-Address>"
    telnet to netprint and configure it
3) put an entry in your /etc/printcap
4) start/restart lprng

The JetDirect cards listen to tcp port 9100, and you can access the
printing engine by just forwarding the printing stuff to this port
(for example netcat can be used to do this together with stock bsd lpd,
but lprng supports the port argument directly as shown above and has a
number of additional nice features that bsd lpr lacks).


Rolf Obrecht
Institut fuer Elektrische Maschinen
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