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Re: Upgrading to hamm

Currently the best way to do what you want to do _IS_ to upgrade as
opposed to do a reinstall.

You want to use the 'autoup.sh' script file to start the process.  Note
that the 'mountable' access method might still have some problems
intitially when you use dselect (after the autoup.sh has completed). 
Once deselect has completed the basic upgrade though, it should be
'pretty smooth sailing'.

Check http://www.gate.net/~storm/FAQ/libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO.html (the
autoup.sh script does all of this stuff but it does not hurt to check
things out a little in advance).

You can get the script from:

Also, if you installed the specially compiled for bo bash 2.01 package
be CERTAIN that you look back through the recent archives (this month)
for note about the upgrade process -- the upgrade WILL fail.

      bleach@BellSouth.net  b.leach@Worldnet.att.net
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