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Re: What happened to the ps POSIX options

Tommi Kaariainen <tkaariai@cc.hut.fi> writes:

> I updated procps (+ other stuff) to the newest version(s) in the Debian
> mirror I use (sunsite.auc.dk) and found out that the (much more useful) 
> POSIX-style ps options no longer work. Why were they removed?
> /Tommi Kääriäinen/  

Aargh, this is not what I meant to write. What I was thinking goes 
like this:

I updated procps (+ other stuff) in my system (running hamm) to the newest 
version(s) _from_ the Debian mirror I use (sunsite.auc.dk) and found out 
that the (much more useful) POSIX-style ps options no longer work. Why 
were they removed?

/Tommi Kääriäinen/

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