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Re: Gimp non-free - gif doesn't work

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> writes:

    Oliver> But, GIF is greyed out in the list of image formats when I
    Oliver> do `Save as'.  If I save a file named xxx.gif, I get a GIF
    Oliver> dialog box, but then the save fails.

    Oliver> How can I get this to work?

    Ben> GIF doesn't work for RGB images, just for indexed and
    Ben> grayscale.  This is a problem that I've run into a few times.
    Ben> Frustrating until you figure it out.

Yup, Ben P. is right -- try converting your image to Indexed before
you try saving it. GIF has no support for RGB images at all.

By the way, why not try the PNG format while you're at it? It's
smaller than GIF, and the compression isn't proprietary :) It's even
supported by Nutscrape and Aiiiee! :)

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