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Re: MS IntelliPoint

	   I'm sorry if this thread has come up before (which I'm sure it
   has), but I can't seem to find debian-relevent help anywhere. I have an MS
   Intellipoint mouse, and would like to get the wheel to at least fuction as
   a third button, hopefully even use it to scroll.

If you are running the hamm release, there's no need to apply any
patches.  There is an Intellimouse mouse type available under both xf86config
and XF86Setup.  This enables the middle button as a third button when
you push it and as a fourth/fifth button when you scroll up/down with
it.  In a xterm you can use it to scroll up and down.

If you're not running hamm then you'll have to upgrade to hamm in
order to get this feature.

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