HDDs & Linux (please reply to mansoft@maptel.es)
I have a doubt. Let's see:
Let's imagine that I have 2 hard disks in my computer, each one of 1GB
of capacity.
Let's also imagine that I want to install Linux & Windoze 95, but I want
the windows partition to be 1,5GB (that is to say, one disk and a half).
How should I partition my disks? (let's suppose that there's nothing
installed). How should I install Linux, after all? Should I create a
partition for one disk, and then on the other disk another partition for
windows and the rest for linux? If so, how could Windows work (I mean,
not to work, but, at leat, to boot :)
Any help is appreciated.
Please remember to reply to mansoft@maptel.es
Àlex Maneu (maneu@maptel.es)
MAN Soft Magazine
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