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Mdutils boot problem

Hi all,
  I seem to have a mis-configured mdutils package (version 0.35-14
running on an up-to-date hamm system) and hope someone can help. 
I have a single entry in /etc/mdtab created by mdcreate:
  /dev/md0 linear,4k,0,8fd9453a /dev/hdb1 /dev/hdc1 /dev/hdc2 /dev/hdc3 /dev/hdc5 /dev/hdc6 
and an entry in /dev/fstab:
  /dev/md0 /share1 ext2 defaults 1 0

During boot-up the system complains that it can't fsck /dev/md0 and
asks for a root-password to fix the problem manually.  What seems to
be happening is that mdadd and mdrun are executed, but not in time for
the mount step.  This may be related to a dangling symlink in /etc/rsS.d:

   S05keymaps.sh -> /etc/init.d/kbd-boot.sh
   S10checkroot.sh -> ../init.d/checkroot.sh
   S20modutils -> ../init.d/modutils
-> S25mdutils.sh -> ../init.d/mdutils.sh
   S30checkfs.sh -> ../init.d/checkfs.sh
   S35mountall.sh -> ../init.d/mountall.sh
   S40hostname.sh -> ../init.d/hostname.sh
   S40network -> ../init.d/network
   S45mountnfs.sh -> ../init.d/mountnfs.sh
   S50hwclock.sh -> ../init.d/hwclock.sh
-> S50raid -> ../init.d/mdutils
   S55bootmisc.sh -> ../init.d/bootmisc.sh
   S55urandom -> ../init.d/urandom

I don't have a /etc/init.d/mdutils.sh:
  root@galaxy:/# ls /etc/init.d
  README            kbd-boot.sh       netstd_misc       sysklogd
  apache            kerneld           netstd_nfs        umountfs
  atd               logoutd           network           urandom
  boot.OLD          lpd               rc                urandom.dpkg-old
  bootmisc.sh       mdutils           rcS               xdm
  checkfs.sh        modules           reboot            xdm.dpkg-old
  checkroot.sh      modutils          rmnologin         xfs
  cron              mountall.sh       sendsigs          xntp3
  functions         mountnfs.sh       single            xntp3.dpkg-dist
  halt              netatalk          skeleton
  hostname.sh       netbase           smail
  hwclock.sh        netstd_init       ssh

Should I change S25mdutils to point to /etc/init.d/mdutils and remove
the S50raid entry?  Is this a bug in the package, or something wierd
with my setup?


Norris Preyer			(541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program			(541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University	npreyer@eou.edu
La Grande, OR  97850		http://physics.eou.edu/npreyer.html
	finger npreyer@physics.eou.edu for PGP key

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