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Re: Bullshit-->Fired for Linux?

On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:

> 	Hi all!
> I've just send a comment to Jesse Berst, the author of the whole mess, so
> I think, that it makes sens to send a Cc to debian-users. 
> =======================================================================


It seems like he is not adding any more reactions to the forum. Too bad. I
also sent some words, but I haven't seen them appear anywhere on the site.

Here's my "artwork":

One job that I had in the past where running Linux was a problem was a
place where motivation was generally not very high. I'm not really sad
about not working there anymore.

On the other hand, the place I work at now, there are a lot of people who
use Linux or FreeBSD. These people are all very knowledgable and motivated
because they like what they do and like to do what they are good at.

 Anybody risking to get fired because of Linux I can only say to: "go for
it!" Things will only get much better.

Now about some factual errors in the original article:
 - Linux is not only used as a webserver, it also beats NT as a
fileserver. That is in "Microsoft networking." But you don't see that
advertised on the web very often. You can run an entire LAN of Windows95
clients served by a Linux server posing as a NT server for file- and
printserving and authentication. (Of course, the windows95 clients would
need a Pentium while the Linux server would do fine on a 486 or even 386.)
The Linux solution is faster, more stable and you don't need to pay for
per user licences. Get this service from a Linux VAR/Consultant and your
total cost of ownership will stay way below a native NT based solution (NT
needs much more maintenance after being set up.)
 - Linux has many fine applications that you can get support for. Linux
users can get StarOffice 4.0 for free if for personal use. But it can also
be bought as a commercial product. Why assume that Star Division won't
give support in that case? BTW it's a real nice competitor for Microsoft


Oh, about your optional survey: my "586/pentium" is in fact also a "unix
workstation". But I couldn't get the form to understand that.

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