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Hello all,
     I have a question that isnt entirely debian specific, I hope this
doesn't irritate anyone.  I have recently been quoted a price of $1100
for a dual PPro333 with motherboard, using DIMM's (SDRAM).  My questions
1) Is it beneficial for me to purchase this for the LAN that I am in the
process of creating?

2) Through reading the recent posts on the PentiumII performance thread,
I am also left wondering how the PPro 333's will handle under load, I am
sure they are much better than the single 166 that I currently have, but
are they going to be worth the money spent on them?

3) How is the support in debian for dual systems, I know that SMP is
supposed to utilize dual cpu's, but does it offer good utilization of
both processors?

4) What is the "best" networking interface card (NIC??) for linux? 
Debian Linux specifically.  Or what interface cards are supported under
Debian Linux?

As I have said, I am trying to establish my own LAN, and would like to
ultimately use 100base T for my network.  I feel that where I desire to
end up, I will need the 100Mbits transfer speed, which is why I desire
this.  I can post the information of which kernel I am using, and which
version if this is necessary.  Thanks for any information offered that
can help me make an educated decision towards my future system.

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