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More .pdf IRS forms printing problems

After downgrading gs-aladdin it printed OK!
Some details:  Using gv I displayed (note: it displayed correctly) the
.pdf of the 4835 tax form. I marked page 1 and clicked 'print marked
pages'.  It started to print and stalled after printing the top 1 inch. 

I have recently (partially) upgraded a 1.3.1 system to hamm and
gs-aladdin_5.10-2.  I have previously printed several pages with this
Printer: epson stylus II

Magicfilter's gs command line:
/usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -sDEVICE=stcolor -r360x360 -dNOPAUSE\ 
-sOutputFile=- -sDithering=hscmyk -dnoWeave stcolor.ps -

But I have printed this file sucessfully before! That was before the hamm
upgrade.  Since I still have a floppy with the .deb of gs-aladdin 5.03
(that I compiled on the bo machine from the hamm source) I re-installed
it.  Then, with no further changes, I repeated the print as described
above --  SUCCESS!  I have an acceptable form.

I'm not smart enough to track this down, but I'll try to answer more
detailed questions if asked or experiment if directed. (directions to a
dummy please:-)  What -dev files from hamm would I need to compile the
5.03 source?


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