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Broken Mail

Hi all,

I have a rather urgent problem I need some help with. Yesterday I had to
move my /var directory from it's own partition to the same partition as /.
No Problem, I'll use tar to preserve file permissions and links I thought.

It all went ok except for the mail. My local mail is now broken. I'm using
exim as my local mda and It's not delivering mail at all. The
/var/log/exim/mainlog shows the following errors

1998-02-13 13:53:00 0y38rI-00077A-00 == john@centaur.ml.org
<root@centaur.ml.org> T=local_delivery defer (-30): Retry time not yet
1998-02-13 13:53:00 0y37Nj-00071c-00 == john@centaur.ml.org
<root@centaur.ml.org> T=local_delivery defer (-30): Retry time not yet
1998-02-13 13:53:00 0y37IW-00071T-00 == john@centaur.ml.org
<root@centaur.ml.org> T=local_delivery defer (-30): Retry time not yet
These messages happen every time cron runs exim -q.
My windows machine normally connects to Linux to collect mail but since this
happened I'm getting error opening messages in syslog.

/var/log/exim/paniclog is empty.

I originally thought it was something to do with file permissions on the
/var/spool/mail files or the mail directory itself but nothing I do has any

Can someone please post the permissions for their /var/spool/mail directory
and the files contained in it ?... And if anyone has had this problem before
and manged to solve it, some help would really be appreciated.

Which base package is responsible for setting up mail ?. If all else fails
can I reinstall this package ?.

My system is running hamm.

Please help me, I'm stuck using windows mail until I get this fixed.


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