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Library for cgi progamming in C


do you use any (_free_) Libraries that help you developing cgi-bin's
written in C?  I have tested libcgic that has an inacceptable copyright
and fastcgi that does some strange things but doesn't tell me how
to use it.

I don't need much routines.  These come to my mind:

 . cgiHeader()
   prints the Content-type header

 . cgiInit()
   Initialises the library, prepares for later readings, needs
   to work with both POST and GET queries.

 . cgiGetParam(const char *name)
   Returns some read cgi variables.  This routine needs to
   decode the %xx values.

It would be nice if the library would read from stdin just like
the CGI module for Perl but that's not required.

Is there any library I could use?

Regards... Joey

Individual Network e.V.                _/                     OrgaTech
joey@office.individual.net            _/              joey@orgatech.de
Geschaeftszeit: Di+Mi+Fr, 15-18 Uhr  _/            Tel: (0441) 9834715

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