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Re: Modem /dev/cua vs /dev/ttyS (The Long, True answer to this reappearing question)

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:

> Serial device locking by convention uses files in a special directory which
> are named according to the name of the device. Unless all references to the
> device use the same name, this locking fails. That's why cua devices are no
> longer used. Why were they ever used? Because old versions of unix had two
> different devices for the same serial port, one on which an open would hang
> until the device asserted Carrier Detect (which getty's used) and another
> which open would return without having Carrier Detect (used for program which
> wanted to dial out on the modem).

Was cua the one which would return without having Carrier Detect?

My problem is that if I use /dev/ttyS? instead of /dev/cua?, in the
/usr/doc/ppp/examples/secure-card expect script, it doesn't work.  That
script has stuff like 

system "stty 19200 -echoe -echo raw < /dev/cua3 > /dev/cua3" 

When using /dev/ttyS? instead, it won't return, whereas using cua does.
Would you know how to fix this problem so that I can use /dev/ttyS?
instead in scripts like these?


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