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Compiling w/shadow support


I've recently switched over to Debian, and have shadow support installed. I
seem to have a reacurring problem when I need to compile my own software.
I've figured out that I need to add -I/usr/src/linux/include to many of my
CFLAGS, but when the make gets down to the -lshadow area, ld dies with the old:

ld: cannot open -lshadow: No such file or directory

This happens on many programs I attempt to compile.
Is there a simple solution for this on Debian systems?

Thanks for any help,

Mark A. Bialik                                          (414) 290-6700
Systems/Security Administrator                   www.pmihwy.com/~markb
Preferred Medical Informatics                         markb@pmihwy.com
Infinity HealthCare, Inc.               mbialik@infinityhealthcare.com
Mequon, WI USA                                           www.linux.org

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