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Dear Sir or Madam:

	I am a sixth grade middle school teacher.  I have been using
debian linux for about 1 year now.  One of your package contributors camm
maguire introduced me to debian linux then.  I bought my computer with the
intent of installing linux.  Since I have installed debian linux I have
been nothing but pleased.  The more I am learning about computers and
operating systems I am even more pleased the entire linux concept etc...

	The school system I work in has problems getting computers and
software site licenses etc...  I feel debian linux is their solution to
alot of extra unneeded expenses.  

	I have been unable to pursuade them to look into debian linux
because the computer coordinators are not very knowledgeable.  I am not
being mean or rude, but they only information they know is at the user
level and they do not desire to learn more.  Pretty bad for people who
are supposed to be encouraging young people to be life long learners.

	Any way, is any body aware of any "computer vendors" who might be
interested in loaning me a computer or two along with an overhead
projector.  I would very much like to put alot of my class notes on line
and use some of the math software in my classroom.  

	This would help the students in their learning of mathematics and
would expose them, their parents, and my superiors to debian linux.  I
feel that if I could have two years with computers in my class room, I
could show them what debian linux has to offer that microsoft and mac 
can't with out huge somes of money.  I would like to do this in a peace
ful non threatening manner but none the less I want to out perform the
competion so linux can be incorporated into the school system.  We are
paying big money to our internet provider(bell atlantic) for mail www and
other services that could be done in our school.
	I feel linux has a lot to offer children educationaly and will
help the tax payers decide to purchase computers knowing what debian linux
can allow them to do for so much less.

	I don't think they realize how much profit micrsoft makes off of
site licenses and up grades.  I agree with the information at the debian
web site,  there is a very good reason why microsoft has so much money in
the bank.

	In closing, any information or direction in this quest would be
greatly appreciated.

	Thank you for your time.


===============						    ===============

Brian R. Furry						    fbrian@nac.net


     Get, Use, and Out perform microsoft products with:

     		The Universal Operating System  

			Debian   (Linux)

   For more information about Debian Linux see 



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