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Diskless link

	I have a P200 running Debian with a 486 connected via ether. The
connection works 99% of the time but i have noticed that "out-of-the-blue"
the connection dies from the 486. No ping, telnet, ftp, lynx or anything
else *Until* I ping it from the P200. This is something i've been lost in
tring to fix. the cables are all fine and i've tried 2 hubs and still have
noticed the same thing. Any ideas on this?

	Hmm got off track there but i had to ask on that...

	Now i also have an old IBM PS/2 Model 80 386 and an even
older PC2000 XT (8086 maybe) sitting in the closet. The IBM runs fine with
it's 2-4 mgs of ram (i forget right now) and it's 70 mg hard drive with
dos and win3.11 installed. The XT i don't even know if it works yet. Now
what i want is a direct connection from these to my P200 server -without-
the use of any software. ie a dumb terminal. 

	What would be best to use for this.. would a cable from serial
port to serial work? Basically even if i took the 70 mg drive out i still
want to turn this on and have a login prompt from the server. Any help on
this would be great.


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