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Re: getting back to the prompt with &

Xavier Bergade <xavier@rocketfuel.com> writes:
XB> you type ls& at the prompt.
XB> why the task is not complete until you press return?
XB> Is it possible to get the task done without any key press ?

It's not clear what you're asking here.  Do you want to type "l s &"
(no RET) and have a directory listing show up?  While you might be
able to configure your shell to do this, it prevents you from typing
anything else on the line.  My shell (zsh) supports a "&!" modifier at 
the end of the line, as well as just "&", and this would be impossible 
with this setup.  It also prevents you from typing more commands
(i.e. "make &; ls &").

Sometimes, though, things happen in a non-intuitive way.  You type
"l s & RET", and see a directory listing with no shell prompt.  There
actually _is_ a shell prompt, and if you type "ls" again without
pressing RET first, you'll get another directory listing.  What

-- You type "ls &".
-- Shell starts another process to do the directory listing.
-- Shell prints its next prompt and starts waiting for input.
-- ls starts up and prints a directory listing.

Pressing RET here causes the shell to say to itself, "oh, we just got
an empty line, let's display another prompt."  The ls process is
actually finished here.


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