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Re: Sorry for the html-mails

> > Between that and it auto-loading lynx on a an HTML attachment it's getting
> > to be a pretty fancy reader!  :-)
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> How did you get it to load lynx? ... 

To be honest I have no idea.  I just notice that pine was doing it a few
months back... it's pretty neat though.  I assume it's just a mime-type
setting but I'm not sure exactly where yet.

Actuall pine is doing three things that I have yet to track down and see
exactly what it is that makes it happen, but are pretty damn cool :-)

1. Load lynx (I assume you could change it to netscape if you wanted) when
you view an HTML attachment.

2. Hides some HTML tags when you read a message (they appear when you

3. Auto reformats text when you reply to a message and the "> " makes the
works wrap messily.  I *love* this :-)


PS.  I assume you are an Orson Scott Card fan?  :-)

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