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fdos package needed

I have tried without success to find the fdos package on the Debian
FTP site.  I need it because mkrboot depends on it.  I need mkrboot
because boot-floppie depends on it.

In case I am going in the wrong direction, my ultimate goal is to make
a Debian boot/rescue disk with a custom kernel and the installable
modules necessary to boot from a single floppy and recognize my SCSI
tape drive that is attached to my laptop via a PCMCIA card.  I have
this working from the hard disk, but need a way to restore my backups
without having to re-install a base system before accessing PCMCIA


Dion Hollenbeck (619)597-7080x164                 Email: hollen@vigra.com
Sr. Software Engineer - Vigra Div. of Visicom Labs  San Diego, California

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