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Help !! On Installing and Upgrading.

Please help.

I am relatively new to linux, and having trtied for several days now
require some assistance.

My question relates to the installation of 'unstable' sections, into the
Debian 1.3 system, where conflicts between the current 'stable' version 1.3
packages installed and the Debian 'unstable' packages.

The problem I have is...

I was examining the hamm (unstable) distributions and downloaded the Socks4
server package, and the libraries and dependants to go with it.   During
install I was warned that libc6 conflicted with libc5.  A force manual
install and configure merely, as expected, renders the system unusable as
libc5 is removed, and much of the 'stable' system requires libc5.

What is required to allow the installation of libc6 either with the safe
removal of libc5, without crashing the system, or having the two co-exist
on the same system, or cant the two be mixed ?  How is it done ?

I have searched the Debian web site but as yet can find no immediate


Ian Perry

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