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Re: why do I get bounced mails from this list???

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Shaleh wrote:

> I receive bounces from e-mail this list is trying to deliver.  When I
> send mail to this list and somewhere it can not be delivered -- I get
> the bounce.  Why is this??  Why does the listserv not get the bounces. 
> BTW usually qmail is the other ends mail program.

For the most part the listserv gets and handles bounces.  However, some
broken mail agents don't send bounces to the correct location, and you may
see those.  If you see a bounce from a message you send to the list, you
may wish to mail listmaster@lists.debian.org with a copy of the bounce
(full headers) so the problem can be traced.  I'd recomend waiting for a
few bounces though, since the listmasters may already be aware of the

Scott K. Ellis <storm@gate.net>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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