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Re: Whiney little request

Xbiff is there.  

There are also other alternatives to xbiff that are similar but do niftier
things.  Hit http://www.debian.org/packages.html and search for "xbiff".

>       encountered a bug when trying to install netscape.  Did anybody else
>       have a similar problem?  I kept getting an error where dselect told
>       me that the the netscape.tar.gz file should be in my /tmp directory.
Netscape can't be redistributed by anyone except Netscape Inc. without
paying large fees. You have to download the netscape.tar.gz from
netscape.com,  put it in /tmp,  and the netscape package .deb will install
if for you.


|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
|			http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/		         |
|               	So don't beg,  and don't plead.                  |
|                   You can't have the heart you make bleed.             |
|                    -- The Beautiful South,  "Love is..."               |

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