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Re: Why /floppy -- why not /mnt/fd or something?

> > why `/dev/fd*'s are mounted at /floppy.

> I think it is a matter of convenience and tradition. 

Personally, I use /fd0, /fd1, etc.  The RedHat method (/mnt/floppy) seems 
less than useful to me.  The reason for this is that I always use /mnt for 
what it's designed for: temporary mounts.

Putting subdirectories underneath /mnt for *standard* mount points seems 
ridiculous.  If someone who doesn't know better needs to mount a temporary 
device on a system, they mount it on /mnt.  This has the effect of completely 
hiding any devices (i.e. the floppy, CD, zip, etc.) from the filesystem.

This is broken enough that the first thing I do when installing RedHat is to 
change the fstab and create the appropriate directories.


P.S. I use RedHat on all my systems, I admit.  I will be installing Debian in 
the near future (as soon as I can get another machine running *with* monitor).

     Erik Walthinsen <omega@seul.org> - SEUL Project system architect
       /  \                SEUL: Simple End-User Linux -
      |    | M E G A            Creating a Linux distribution
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