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bent lines in some applications in X

The more I look at this, the odder it gets.

In some applications, notably lyx and (sometimes) netscape, at 1024x768 I get 
lightly displaced horizontal lines.  a coulpe of lines will indent a couple of 
pixels to the right, for a little bump on the edge and waver across the screen.

At first i thought I was exceeding the video card or display frequencies, but 
that doesn't seem to be the case.

The oddities are that it depends upon which application it is, and it's depth 
on the screeen.  It is most pronounced when it is the frontmost window.  If 
another window comes to the front, even with the first the active window, 
things get better.

Also, the irregularity is not at a fixed point on the screen; it moves with 
the windows.
I'm at a loss for a rational explanation here.


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