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Re: Those things you swore you would never do

Stephen Carpenter <sjc@delphi.com> writes:

> heres the story...
> I need samba....the samba package I got said it needed libc6...so I
> tried
> to install libc6
> it said libc5 was the problem and it couldn't oinstall...
> so rather than thinking...I found the dpkg options to tell it to remove
> libc5...and in an expediant fashion...which it happily did
> then I found I could do nothing...wlel no..I could "cd" and "echo *" to
> emulate ls
> and I could logout
> can I save this system?
> I have a boot floppy..and all my original 8 debian install disks...
> any suggestions?
> -Steve

Ok - here's what you need to do:
Get a copy of the libc5 that's in bo - say,
Put this on an extra floppy and boot your machine with the install
set (which also doubles as a rescue set).  Go through the menus, being 
careful never to go through the step about partitioning your disk nor
through the step about initializing your linux partitions - choose the 
alternate route of "mounting a previously initialized partition."

Once you've mounted all your disk partitions through the menus, before 
doing anything else, hit alt-F2 to get to the screen with an actual
prompt.  Then, insert the floppy with the libc5 on it, and:
  mount /dev/fd0 -t msdos /floppy
  /target/usr/bin/dpkg --root=/target -i /floppy/libc5*deb

Hopefully, this will succeed and you can then hit alt-f1 to get back
to the menus and choose the appropriate menu item to reboot your

Then, before you THINK about upgrading to libc6, read the libc5-libc6
mini-howto, at

There are indeed samba packages available for libc5; you don't need to 
go libc6 just to do samba.  (and given how big a pain it is to convert 
to libc6, you'll probably want to wait).

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