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Hi folks

This request is on behalf of a former student who in the Navy for a
stint before returning to school to finish his CS degree.  If
perchance some of it should be asked someplace else, or should not be
posted here, please let me know.

I need advice on a make and configuration of a laptop for which
installation of Linux is likely to be easiest, and where the machine is
likely to give a minimum of problems. While money IS an object, a $3000
price tag wouldn't be prohibitive. A lot more is a problem.

Is Pentium 200Mhz, 32 MB SDRAM, 4 Gig disk and a 56K PC Card Modem and
CD ROM available within that price?  Do you recommend increase in ram? 

Obviously a pentium grade processor is required, but should it be MMX?
Pentium II?  what? Is there a suggested processor speed that balances
low heat against reasonable performance?

What display technologies are there to choose from, and how do we find
out about them?  Do you have any advice?

I would like to have opinions of which of the competing 56K technologies
is likely to win, and why you think so. It appears to me that USR's
technology is winning, but like BetaMax, the other technology appears to
be better. Comment, please? 

What have I left out of this laundry list?  CD ROM?

Many thanks for any and all replies, including flames, if I misposted.

--David Teague
       LINUX: the FREE 32 bit OS for [3456]86 PC's available NOW!
David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights & software
teague@wcu.edu | patents make programing a dangerous business. 

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