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Re: configuring ftpd for anonymous access

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998 bhmit1@mail.wm.edu wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, Christopher Jason Morrone wrote:

[summary: ls doesn't show anything in anonymous ftp]

> This is definately a library problem.  The listing I gave was for a libc5
> ls, but I think it would be similar for libc6.  Also verify permissions:

Ok, I believe you, but all of my permissions are set the same as yours.

Oh no way...you won't beleive this, I just tried it again and ls is
working now!

I swear that I didn't change the ftp stuff...

The main thing I did on my system was remove the set6x86 package.  I
wonder if that was causing the ls problem...the default settings in that
package were causing my system to give me signal 11's (and once a signal
4) when I tried to compile the kernel.  It also gave other error messages
at random times.  Removed it and my processor is behaving normally again.
(I have a Cyrix 200 MX)

But it seems odd that that would cause the ls problem so consistantly and
not break any other part of ftp...

Perhaps it is because I just installed the 2.0.33 kernel?  Could it be
that something in the 2.0.32 kernels was causing the problem?

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