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Re: Using dselect and unstable packages

On Mon, Jan 12, 1998 at 07:56:59PM +0500, Ian & Gill Watkins wrote:
> Great, thanks. Worked like a charm. Went and got the Packages files, ran
> DSELECT and had 55M of files to get!!! Whoops! I had to take them out
> again to get any sense back into DSELECT.
> Would you expect this to happen or did I do something wrong??

This is to be expected. One of the goals for Debian 2.0 is to base it on
glibc2 (aka libc6), rather that linux libc (libc5); this involves
recompilation of all packages, making the difference between "stable" and
"unstable" very large.

It is probably best if you first make sure that you have done the basic
upgrade for running packages from "unstable" right
(http://www.gate.net/~storm/FAQ/libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO.html), then use the
full Packages file from unstable, and answer "yes" to dselect's FTP method's
question "Do you want to select the files to get", then only select what you
really want to upgrade (it could be that you have to do this multiple times,
to get the packages that the packages you really wanted to upgrade to depend

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