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elm and sendmail background delivery mode

I have just installed Debian 1.3.1 on my Pentium-133 machine.

I have used dselect's FTP method to install the elm and sendmail packages.
I have noticed that when I send a message with elm, elm is blocked
until the message is actually delivered.  This is annoying.  I checked
the sendmail.cf file, and the default delivery mode for sendmail is
`background'.  So either there is something else that would cause sendmail
to delivery in interactive mode, or elm is forcing sendmail to deliver
in interactive mode.  Has anyone else noticed this.  I would like to
have elm use sendmail in background delivery mode.

Thomas E. Vaughan                                tvaughan@mail.diac.com
1634 S. Memphis St., Aurora, CO 80017                    (303) 750-7864

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