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Re: Suck and Inn

Tony Schonfeld <tony@pc1.f5git.viking.oleane.com> writes:

> hello everubody , 
> Since my News provider has disable the NEWNEWS command i've decided
> to use Suck with Inn.
> How to use this package for full compatibility with Inn ?  i've
> modified the get-news script to have -M flag and the target
> directory, because in the original version the articles are stored
> in /var/lib/suck/msg.hostname and Inn don't look that.

I don't use the getnews script provided by the package, I wrote my
own.  You have to give suck the -bi option to build a batchfile for
feeding it with innxmit to inn.  Here is the relevant part of my

    suck ${REMOTE_NEWS} -bi ${SUCK_IN} ${SUCK_OPTIONS}
    case ${SUCK_STATUS} in
	0) # Some articles were available
           mv /etc/suck/sucknewsrc /etc/suck/sucknewsrc.old
	   mv /var/lib/suck/suck.newrc /etc/suck/sucknewsrc
           rm -f /var/lib/suck/suck.sorted suckothermsg
           # That is important for feeding news into inn
           innxmit ${LOCAL_NEWS} ${SUCK_IN} && rm /var/lib/suck/msg/*
           sleep 200
	1) # No error, but no new article
           sleep 200
        *) # Some error occurred, retry after some short sleep
           echo "Suck failed for some reason, retrying after short sleep"
           sleep 20

I hope the variable names are understandable.  SUCK_OPTIONS just
contains -k to disable the use of a killfile (make suck much quicker).
If someone is interessted in this script send me an email.


I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
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