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Re: SVGA Web Browser?

Hi again,

> Such a beast would be great. Alas, I don't think one exists. Perhaps if
> Mnemonic ever gets into beta, we'll see one.

What is Mnemonic?

> While I am a GNU/Linux and free software advocate, and enjoy turning very
> low-end hardware into useable free software systems, I've been thinking
> lately that it's more practical to run Caldera's OpenDOS/WebSpyder32 on a
> machine like yours than run Linux, especially if using the Web is a
> priority. I don't even know if you _could_ install X on that system -- it
> would just be impossible to use.

I've been running this system for a few months now, I like it, it goes
pretty fast for what I want to do (except X). I had X-win running for
awhile, but removed it as I only have an older 14inch monitor, that
doesn't do 800x600 very well. So I have to run it in 640x480, which is
rather horrible!!! Plus it was rather slow, took 30 seconds to a minute to
load xterm!!! I could use it as an XServer pretty well, using a Win3.11
machine running an X-Win client - ran OK.

I use fetchmail, pine, slrn, and lynx for most web stuff, I also use
IP-Masqerading so my other computers on my network can access the
internet. I have the Java Development Kit installed as well, so I can
compile Java stuff, and can run Java binaries as executables (although not
graphical ones), I can't run Applets, but can develop them and test them
on a better system later.

I don't think anything else could give me the versatility and functions
that Linux gives me with my system. I would rather go without a graphical
web browser than give up my Linux system!!!

Thanks for you help,


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