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exmh questions become exmh questions

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the suggestion to look at GNUS and the other responses.
My setup is similar to what Daniel Martin? described on his web page.
I had to enter several lines in the frommap to correct what the different
mail programs considered to be the from address:

bradshaw                          lee.bradshaw@mindspring.com (Lee Bradshaw)
bradshaw@mindspring.com           lee.bradshaw@mindspring.com (Lee Bradshaw)
bradshaw@freefall.mindspring.com  lee.bradshaw@mindspring.com (Lee Bradshaw)

freefall is my host, and mindspring.com is my isp and is set in visible

I'm still having a problem with local mail though.  I can send mail
to a username without problems, but replying to this mail generates an
invalid address.  For example, in elm a reply to a local message "From:
bradshaw", would be addressed "To: bradshaw@freefall.(none)".  I could
qualify all from addresses even in the local transport so that replies
would be forced through the isp, but I'd rather keep the mail local.
I saw a suggestion to use someething like "@home.net" for local users.
The MUA's I've seen try to qualify the username and that dummy address
might be the thing to use.  Please send your suggestions, or I'll post
if I get things improved a little more.

Lee Bradshaw                 lee.bradshaw@mindspring.com (preferred)
Next Level Communications    bradshaw@nlc.com

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