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pppd and its friends...

At 07:34 PM 1/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
>dave mallery <dmallery@cia-g.com> writes:
>> could someone explain where i can find an explanation for the fields
>> in /etc/ppp.options_out?
>Look at what the command pon does:
>cush:~$ which pon
>cush:~$ cat /usr/bin/pon
>if [ -r /etc/ppp.options_out -a -r /etc/ppp.chatscript ]; then
>        /usr/sbin/pppd connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp.chatscript"
`cat /etc/ppp.options_out`
>        echo "You do not have permissions to access /etc/ppp.chatscript or
>As you can see, pon is just a little shell script that calls
>/usr/sbin/pppd with the following arguments:
>connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp.chatscript"
>and whatever is in /etc/ppp.options_out
>So to find out more, look at the manpage for pppd.
hi daniel

i wanted to thank you for a great answer that teaches.

i came to debian full of frustration at microsoft...  unfortunately
my long (1969) background never included unix by any name
(mostly RSTS and VMS) and i am clambering up a huge learning curve.

i think when i am done, i will write a HOWTO entitled: everything
i needed to know (and didn't) when the install ended...

currently having fits with the modem via the chatscript, but feel
like i am in control.

thanks again


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