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Netscape helpers, or replacing /bin/sh

I recently switched to debian 1.31 (from a homebrew system based
loosely on slackware), and with it came bash 2.x, which I had been
avoiding for irrational reasons - or maybe not. I installed Netscape
Communicator 4.04 and the Real Audio player (v5.02beta, the latest),
and followed the directions in the readme for adding rvplayer as a
helper app. But now, when I actually try to play something, I get an
error dialog from Netscape that says:

sh: -c line 1: missing closing `)' for arthmetic expression
sh: -1 line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
sh: -c line 1: `((/usr/local/bin/rvplayer /tmp/MO34B2F4B209B0136.ram); rm /tmp/MO34B2F4B209B0136.ram )&'

I've established that Communicator always fires off helper apps using
similar syntax by invoking /bin/sh. My question is, if I were to
replace /bin/sh (which is a symlink to /bin/bash) with something else
(ash, or an older version of bash, for example), will it break
anything debian-wise? I realize that it might break other things that
expect /bin/sh to really be bash, but frankly, such things probably
deserve it for making that assumption.

- Jim

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