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Re: X startup problems

dale.jones@asu.edu wrote:
> Thanks for the help, guys.  Seems I hosed the file I created with
> xf86config during the installation.  Re-ran that, added the line below,
> and that fixed the problem.  Now if I could find a replacement for that
> ghastly login screen...

You can design your own login screens with the xbanner
package.  I don't particulary like the default screen that
comes with the Debian package but you can tweak xbanner to
produce a screen to suit yourself.

> Hey, while I'm thinking about it and since I can't try it right now,
> would adding a line like
> :1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
> allow me to use VT08 for another login, or do I have to do something else?
I had trouble getting that idea to work consistently but
here's a solution I'e found.  I use xdm for my initial login
and then with these lines added to the end of
~/.bash_profile to accomodate logins from VC's.  The first
gets VT08, the next VT09, etc.
if [ `tty` = "/dev/console" -a $TERM = "sun" -o $TERM =
linux ]; then
  while [ -f /tmp/.X${VC}-lock ]
    VC=`expr $VC + 1`
  Display=`expr $VC + 7`
  export DISPLAY=:$VC
  echo "Starting X on VC $Display (type Ctrl-C to
  sleep 5
  if [ $? = 0 ]; then
      #startx -- :${VC} -bpp 16 > /dev/null 2>&1
      startx -- :${VC} -bpp 8 > /dev/null 2>&1
      echo -n "Automatically logging out (type Ctrl-C to
      sleep 5
      logout          # logout after leaving windows system

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