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Database advice?

Hi everyone,
   I was wondering if I could get some advice on what database I should
use.  I'm predicting I'll need to use a database for 3 things.  First,
personal use on my linux box.  I'd just like to get familiar with SQL,
setting up a db, etc.  I'm thinking of using this to help out the debian
testing team, so I should probably learn soon if I'm going to have it
working for the 2.0 testing.  Second, I'm planning on converting a bunch
of data from work to a db accessable from the web.  Finally, I'll probably
take a class using Oracle fall of next year.  I'd like to use the same db
at home and work.  It should give me a good start for working in Oracle.
A nice GUI would be helpful.  SOLID looks nice and received high ranks in
LJ recently.  I was also thinking of progreSQL.  Does anyone have any
advice on this?


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